Look Back at - Stage 2 Survey: Introduction - Central Stockton And North Thornaby Blueprint

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Stage 2 Survey: Introduction


Blueprint Consultation Phase 2

Following analysis of Stage 1 consultation and our own internal research and mapping activities, the Blueprint Design Team have identified 9 potential intervention and regeneration zones for central areas of Stockton-on-Tees. 

Our Stage 2 survey is currently open until mid January, and we'd like to hear from as many local people as possible! This will help to inform our emerging design ideas for the central Stockton and north Thornaby area.   

Click on the links below to read our suggested project ideas for each identified Intervention Area, and let us know which you think would have the greatest impact for Stockton over the next 25+ years. 

  • Which ideas are good, and which would have less impact? 
  • What areas might we have missed?
  • What else would you like to happen in central Stockton and north Thornaby? 

View and complete Surveys here:

Stage 1 Summary

Stockton has a strong historic character and high quality public realm along it's High Street. The River Tees is a fantastic asset, and the town hosts a strong offer of events and festivities along the river banks. In spite of these strengths, the town centre has a poor reputation - with anti-social behaviour issues, and significant navigational challenges due to large dual carriages and traffic junctions. 

Through this Blueprint project we aim to celebrate and strengthen the positive qualities of central Stockton areas, and address some of it's main weaknesses.  The town is potentially on the cusp of great things but this is not yet secure, and Stockton's social challenges can only partially be addressed through physical changes, and must work in tandem with the council’s wider social care and support initiatives.

Strengths (green) and Weaknesses (red) in Central Stockton

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